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coign 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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coigns, plural;
  1. A projecting corner or angle of a wall or building

  1. quoin: expandable metal or wooden wedge used by printers to lock up a form within a chase
  2. quoin: the keystone of an arch
  3. Quoins are the cornerstones of brick or stone walls. Quoins may be either structural or decorative. Architects and builders use quoins to give the impression of strength and firmness to the outline of a building. ...
  4. A projecting corner or angle; A wedge used in typesetting
  5. The cornerstone of a building that differs in shape or color from the rest of the wall.
  6. noun - 1. a) an exterior angle of a wall or other piece of masonry b) any of the stones used in forming such an angle, often being of large size and dressed or arranged so as to form a decorative contrast with the adjoining walls 2. a keystone 3. ...