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cognizance 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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cognizances, plural;
  1. Knowledge, awareness, or notice
    • - he was deputed to bring the affair to the cognizance of the court
  2. The action of taking jurisdiction

  3. The action of taking judicial notice (of a fact beyond dispute)

  4. A distinctive device or mark, esp. an emblem or badge formerly worn by retainers of a noble house

  1. awareness: having knowledge of; "he had no awareness of his mistakes"; "his sudden consciousness of the problem he faced"; "their intelligence and general knowingness was impressive"
  2. range of what one can know or understand; "beyond my ken"
  3. range or scope of what is perceived
  4. The Student life and culture of IITs refers to the characteristics of student life and culture that are common to among the various IITs. This prominently includes the lifestyle of students, both about studies and co-curricular activities.
  5. Cognizance is the annual technical festival of Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (IIT Roorkee). The Festival holds over 150 events.
  6. An emblem, badge or device, used as a distinguishing mark by the body of retainers of a royal or noble house; Notice or awareness
  7. The power, authority, and ability of a judge to determine a particular legal matter. A judge's decision to take note of or deal with a cause.
  8. Coat of arms or a representation of part of it carried by retainers or subjects.