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cognates 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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cognates, plural;
  1. A cognate word

  2. A blood relative

  1. (cognate) blood relation: one related by blood or origin; especially on sharing an ancestor with another
  2. (cognate) connate: related in nature; "connate qualities"
  3. (cognate) a word is cognate with another if both derive from the same word in an ancestral language
  4. (cognate) having the same ancestral language; "cognate languages"
  5. In linguistics, cognates are words that have a common etymological origin.
  6. (cognate) One of a number of things allied in origin or nature; One who is related to another on the female side; One who is related to another, both having descended from a common ancestor through legal marriages; A word either descended from the same base word of the same ancestor language ...
  7. (Cognate) Cognates are words from different languages which are related historically, eg English bath - German bad or English yoke - Hindi yoga.  Beware FalseFriends however.
  8. (COGNATE) A course which is required as part of a major, but offered by a department other than the one offering the major (e.g. Mathematics for a Physics major or Chemistry for a Biology major).
  9. (Cognate) A word related to another word in origin and/or meaning (e.g., English school and scholar; English school and Spanish escuela).
  10. (Cognate) Cognates between different languages are word pairs with obvious similarities in their written or phonetic characteristics. Cognates are based on similar derivations of these words.
  11. (Cognate) Words with a common ancestor. Cognates allow reconstruction of Indo-European and Germanic. English father, Latin pater, and Greek pater are cognates used in reconstructing *p@ter, a common Indo-European source for these words. ...
  12. (cognate) A parallel form, eg French hiver is cognate with Spanish invierno.
  13. Cognate is a term used by some departments to describe the part of your academic program which functions basically like a minor. For example, majors in Communications Studies can choose to take courses in a "cognate" area.
  14. Words in different languages related to the same root, e.g. education (English) and educación (Spanish).
  15. words that are spelled the same in L1 and L2 (have different pronunciation)
  16. Words that are similar in two or more languages as a result of common descent.
  17. all relatives, whether traced through the male or female lines.
  18. Words having a common linguistic origin. For example, café and coffee derive from the Turkish, kahve.
  19. words so similar from one language to the next as to suggest that both are variants of a single ancestral prototype.
  20. ( words that have the same or very similar form and/or meaning) scales ( words showing degrees )
  21. nga rgyal skyed/  to be proud: rig pas nga rgyal skyed/,,byams pas yar skyed skyed do/  knowledge puffs up, but love builds up (1 Cor. 8:1), nga rgyal mi skyed phyir/  to keep me from becoming conceited (2 Cor. 12:7), nga rgyal mi skyed/  not to be arrogant (1 Tim. 6:17).