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cogito 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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The principle establishing the existence of a being from the fact of its thinking or awareness,
  1. The principle establishing the existence of a being from the fact of its thinking or awareness

  1. Cogito is a philosophical magazine published by of Athens, Greece, and a member of the Eurozine network. It was founded in 2004 with the intention of making philosophy accessible to the lay reader without compromising it through oversimplification. ...
  2. Cogito (originally git-pasky) is a revision control system layered on top of Git. It is historically the first Git frontend, which appeared in April 2005, just days after Git itself. ...
  3. Cogito ergo sum (French: Je pense donc je suis; English: "I think, therefore I am"), often mistakenly stated as Dubito ergo cogito ergo sum (English: "I doubt, therefore I think, therefore I am"), is a philosophical statement in Latin used by René Descartes, which became a fundamental element ...
  4. Shorthand for the 17^th century French 'rationalist' philosopher Rene Descartes's famous assertion: 'I think, therefore I am' ('cogito ergo sum'). For Descartes, his thought-processes proved his own existence beyond doubt. ...
  5. think, consider - 11 misses
  6. Descartes Cogito: (human mind is a complete whole governed by reason)