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cogent 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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(of an argument or case) Clear, logical, and convincing,
  1. (of an argument or case) Clear, logical, and convincing

  1. powerfully persuasive; "a cogent argument"; "a telling presentation"; "a weighty argument"
  2. (cogency) persuasive relevance
  3. (cogency) the quality of being valid and rigorous
  4. Reasonable and convincing; based on evidence; Appealing to the intellect or powers of reasoning; Forcefully persuasive
  5. (cogently) In a cogent manner
  6. (Cogency) Just as we can evaluate valid arguments in terms of the actual truth or falsity of their premises, we can evaluate invalid arguments. A cogent argument is a strong argument in which all the premises are actually true in our world. ...
  7. Sector Skills Council for the oil and gas extraction and chemical manufacturing sector.
  8. (adj.) intellectually convincing (Irene’s arguments in favor of abstinence were so cogent that I could not resist them.)
  9. (adj.): Appealing strongly to the reason or conscience.