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coffees 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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coffees, plural;
  1. A drink made from the roasted and ground beanlike seeds of a tropical shrub, served hot or iced
    • - a cup of coffee
    • - a coffee pot
  2. A cup of this drink
    • - she'll buy you a coffee
  3. These seeds raw, roasted and ground, or processed into a powder that dissolves in hot water
    • - a jar of instant coffee
  4. A pale brown color like that of coffee mixed with milk

  5. A party or reception at which coffee is served
    • - going to coffees and answering questions
  6. The shrub of the bedstraw family that yields these seeds, two of which are contained in each red berry. Native to the Old World tropics, most coffee is grown in tropical America

  1. from the Atitlan region are known for their rich flavor and full body with an aromatic, spicy or floral acidity that is crisp and pronounced.
  2. with brown sugar. For other ways to use this for healthier cooking ... Syrup - Another way to sweeten food naturally is a latent ingredient; we use to douse our pancakes ... be complete without a nice pour down of the Maple syrup. It is by far the most commonly used alternative out ...