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coefficient 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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coefficients, plural;
  1. A numerical or constant quantity placed before and multiplying the variable in an algebraic expression (e.g., 4 in 4xy)

  2. A multiplier or factor that measures some property
    • - coefficients of elasticity
    • - the drag coefficient

  1. a constant number that serves as a measure of some property or characteristic
  2. (The Coefficients) The Coefficients was a dining club founded in 1902 at a dinner given by the Fabian campaigners Sidney and Beatrice Webb. It was a forum for the meeting of British socialist reformers and imperialists of the Edwardian era. The group met monthly.
  3. (Coefficients) A constant chemical or physical property constant for a system with specific conditions (i.e. Coefficient of Friction).
  4. (Coefficients) interegers in a balenced equation
  5. A coefficient, in general, is a number multiplying a function. In multivariate data analysis, usually the "function" is a variable measured over the cases of the analysis, and the coefficients multiply these variable values before we add them up to form a score. ...
  6. A number expressing the ratio of change under certain specified conditions such as temperature, length, volume, etc.
  7. A constant used to multiply another quantity or series; as in 3 xand ax, 3 and a are coefficients ofx.
  8. A coefficient proposed by Skempton to calculate the excess pore water pressure due to deviatoric stress.
  9. Don`t be frightened by this word. It just means "number". Into many formulas derived by the theoreticians, there needs to be a number, derived by practical people, so as to make the answer come right.
  10. A value used to modify a mathematical expression or define a relationship between variables.
  11. A numerical quantity, determined by experimental or analytical methods, interposed in a formula which expresses the relationship between two or more variables to include the effect of special conditions or to correct a theoretical relationship to one found by experiment or actual practice.
  12. A number that is multiplied by terms in an algebraic equation.
  13. Mathematical term for a number with a particular algebraic significance.
  14. a number. One meaning is the number in front of a term in a function. Or else it can mean a number measuring a physical quantity
  15. The number multiplied times a product of variables or powers of variables in a term.
  16. A constant that multiplies a variable.
  17. the number (with its sign) in front of the letter representing the unknown.
  18. the number in front of a variable. For example, in 9x, 9 is the _____.
  19. A numerical or constant quantity placed before and multiplying the variable in an algebraic expression (e.g., 4 in 4x y).
  20. The coefficient of a term is the constant or numerical portion.  Example: In the polynomial,, we say the coefficient of  is 3, the coefficient of  is 1, the coefficient of  is -5 and the coefficient of the constant term is 2.
  21. A number that is multiplied by a variable in an equation or expression . In a linear equation of the form y= mx + b, the number m is the coefficient of x as well as the slope of the line.