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codifies 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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codified, past participle; codifies, 3rd person singular present; codifying, present participle; codified, past tense;
  1. Arrange (laws or rules) into a systematic code

  2. Arrange according to a plan or system
    • - Verdi helped codify an international operatic culture

  1. (codified) enacted by a legislative body; "statute law"; "codified written laws"
  2. (codify) organize into a code or system, such as a body of law; "Hammurabi codified the laws"
  3. (codify) To reduce to a code, to arrange into a code
  4. (Codified) Laws or regulations that are codified are general and permanent laws or regulations that are arranged in subject-matter order by title or other major subdivision and section (as opposed to session laws, which are generally presented in chronological order). ...
  5. (Codify) To collect and arrange laws, rules, and regulations by subject matter.
  6. (codify) Consulting gurus have really latched onto this one. It s simply one of those words that sounds important. Primarily, they "codify" information when they arrange or systematize it. Hopefully so it makes sense. "We ll codify the strategic issues for you. ...
  7. (Codifying) The process of detailing a new standard.