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codependency 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Excessive emotional or psychological reliance on a partner, typically a partner who requires support due to an illness or addiction,
  1. Excessive emotional or psychological reliance on a partner, typically a partner who requires support due to an illness or addiction

  1. Codependency or codependence is a tendency to behave in overly passive or excessively caretaking ways that negatively impact one's relationships and quality of life. ...
  2. (codependent) Alternative spelling of co-dependent; Alternative spelling of co-dependent
  3. (Co-Dependent) Someone who lives with and /or is close to a chemical dependent person. Also known as a Co-Addict person and who enables them.
  4. By definition, this is an unequal/unbalanced distribution of power in a relationship; one person is dependent (often, on a substance or activity) and has little or no empowerment--the other is The Co-dependent or enabler, who controls the partner, and needs to be needed. ...
  5. means behaviors learned by family Members or significant others in order to survive in an environment of great emotional pain and stress when a family member is dependent upon the use of alcohol or drugs.
  6. A co-dependent person is one who has later another persons behaviour affect him or her and who is obsessed with controlling that persons behaviour". Definition taken from Codependent No More. (Author Melody Beattie, published by Hazelden)
  7. a concept that individuals who live with a person having an alcohol (or other drug) dependence suffer themselves from difficulties of self-image and social independence.
  8. suffering and/or dysfunction that is associ-ated with or results from focusing on the needs and behavior of others. A constellation of responses by significant others, particularly family, to being involved with the dependent.
  9. The essence of codependency is the false belief (conscious or unconscious) that sacrificing oneself to another person in any form, will produce positive results. Manifestations of codependency include attempts to control another person’s behavior. ...
  10. a term given to the condition where those in contact with the addicted person lose self by focusing on the behavior of the person engaged in self-destructive behavior. As a co-dependent you must remember – you did not cause it, you can not control it, you can not cure it.
  11. A relationship in which a non-substance-abusing partner or family member enables the other's substance abuse.
  12. The control games of victim, rescuer, and protector.