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codeine 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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A sleep-inducing and analgesic drug derived from morphine,
  1. A sleep-inducing and analgesic drug derived from morphine

  1. derivative of opium; used as an antitussive (to relieve coughing) and an analgesic (to relieve pain)
  2. Codeine (INN) or 3-methylmorphine (a natural isomer of methylated morphine, the other being the semi-synthetic 6-methylmorphine) is an opiate used for its analgesic, antitussive, and antidiarrheal properties.
  3. Codeine was an American indie rock/slowcore band formed in 1989 by members Stephen Immerwahr (vocal, bass), Chris Brokaw (drums), and John Engle (guitar). ...
  4. An addictive alkaloid narcotic derived from opium and used as a hypnotic, analgesic and cough suppressant; often mixed with aspirin etc
  5. A natural opioid compound that is a relatively weak, but still effective, opiate analgesic. It has also been used to treat other problems (e.g., to relieve coughing).
  6. Sedative and pain-relieving agent found in opium. Structurally related to morphine but less potent, and constituting approximately 0.5% of the opium extract.
  7. Analgesic medication, obtained from opium or prepared from morphine.
  8. An alkaloid of opium extracted from morphine. Codeine's effects resemble those of morphine but with only one-sixth to one-tenth of the analgesic action. Codeine is commonly found in cough medicine and minor prescription pain relievers.
  9. An opiate in tablet, liquid, and injectable forms that produces less analgesia, sedation, and respiratory depression than morphine.
  10. A drug made from opium or morphine that is used to relieve pain and to prevent coughing and diarrhea. Codeine is a type of opiate. Also called codeine phosphate.
  11. a commonly prescribed pain medication and is also the active ingredient in some prescription cough medicines. These forms of codeine can also be addictive and abused.   Will show as an opiate on drug screens.
  12. The most commonly used opiate drug. Codeine is found in analgesics (pain killers), cough medicines, and anti-diarrheal medications. Opiates are derivatives of the poppy plant.
  13. A medication that may be prescribed but also may be purchased illegally and is used to reduce pain.