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coded 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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coded, past tense; coded, past participle; codes, 3rd person singular present; coding, present participle;
  1. Convert (the words of a message) into a particular code in order to convey a secret meaning
    • - only Mitch knew how to read the message—even the name was coded
  2. Express the meaning of (a statement or communication) in an indirect or euphemistic way
    • - a national campaign against “playing by ear,” a coded phrase that meant jazz
  3. Assign a code to (something) for purposes of classification, analysis, or identification
    • - she coded the samples and sent them down for dissection
  4. Write code for (a computer program)

  5. Specify the genetic sequence for (an amino acid or protein)
    • - genes that code for human growth hormone
  6. Be the genetic determiner of (a characteristic)
    • - one pair of homologous chromosomes that codes for eye color

  1. (coding) cryptography: act of writing in code or cipher
  2. (Coding (social sciences)) Coding refers to an analytical process in which data, in both quantitative form (such as questionnaires results) or qualitative (such as interview transcripts) are categorised to facilitate analysis.
  3. (Coding) 1.      In communications systems, the altering of the characteristics of a signal to make the signal more suitable for an intended application, such as optimizing the signal for transmission, improving transmission quality and fidelity, modifying the signal spectrum, increasing the ...
  4. (coding) The process of inputting numerical and/or alphabetic data to represent policy information.
  5. Document coding is the process of capturing case-relevant information (i.e. author, date authored, date sent, recipient, date opened, etc.) from a paper document
  6. (Coding) a way hospital/physician's services and supplies are classified and defined into a set of predetermined numbers/codes for the purpose of billing.
  7. (Coding) The mechanism for identifying and defining physicians' and hospitals' services. Coding provides universal definition and recognition of diagnoses, procedures and level of care.
  8. (Coding) How physician's services are identified and defined.
  9. (Coding) To translate a given set of data or items into descriptive or analytical categories for data.
  10. (coding) Organizing questionnaire responses into categories and assigning a unique code to each response prior to data entry.
  11. Medical Billing Coding involves taking the doctors notes from a patient visit and translating them into the proper ICD-9 code for diagnosis and CPT codes for treatment.
  12. (Coding) The process of turning  information on a respondent or a response into a coded, usually numerical, value. For example, the gender of a respondent may be coded 1 for female and 2 for male. This code is then entered into a spreadsheet or other software for easier analysis.
  13. (Coding) the process of translating raw data into meaningful categories for the purpose of data analysis . Coding qualitative data may also involve identifying recurring themes and ideas.
  14. (coding) The process of assigning code values to the various alternative answers to survey questions, either when constructing the questionnaire (precoding) or after the data collection (postcoding).
  15. (Coding) A system which assigns unique numerical codes to medical procedures for tracking and billing purposes.
  16. (Coding) The generation of source code.
  17. (CODING) The process of writing computer instructions in a programming language.
  18. (CODING) A series of letters and or numbers printed on response devices that tell the marketer which list and/or creative test cell generated each order.
  19. ((Dietary) Coding) is the method of matching food items reported in a diet record (e.g. food diary) with a food code on an electronic database.
  20. (CODING) Marking data collection devices in a way that nonrespondents can be identified; also, placing numeric values on information gathered
  21. (Coding) (1) In data analysis, translating data from respondents onto a form that can be read by a computer; (2) In interpretive research, marking the text with codes for content categories.
  22. (Coding) 1. Placing a unit of analysis into a particular category so as to facilitate analysis. In a market research questionnaire this involves application of numbers or letters against pre-determined answers to specific questions.
  23. (Coding) A method of putting information into a numerical form for statistical use. Most information on policies is coded and then put into reports.
  24. (Coding) A process used to quantify data so that it can be used to statistical analysis and data processing.
  25. (Coding) A system to identify each training package, its component qualifications and competency units, as well as 'stand alone' competency standards.