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cod 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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cod, plural;
  1. A large marine fish with a small barbel on the chin

  2. Used in names of similar or related fishes, e.g., rock cod, tomcod

  1. collect: payable by the recipient on delivery; "a collect call"; "the letter came collect"; "a COD parcel"
  2. C.O.D.: collecting the charges upon delivery; "mail a package C.O.D."
  3. gull: fool or hoax; "The immigrant was duped because he trusted everyone"; "You can't fool me!"
  4. pod: the vessel that contains the seeds of a plant (not the seeds themselves)
  5. lean white flesh of important North Atlantic food fish; usually baked or poached
  6. tease: harass with persistent criticism or carping; "The children teased the new teacher"; "Don't ride me so hard over my failure"; "His fellow workers razzed him when he wore a jacket and tie"
  7. Cod is the common name for genus Gadus, belonging to the family Gadidae, and is also used in the common name for various other fishes. Cod is a popular food with a mild flavor, low fat content and a dense, flaky white flesh. ...
  8. C.O.D. aka Children of Doom is the penultimate album by Saint Vitus. The album was released in 1993 on Hellhound Records. This is the only album to feature former Count Raven vocalist Christian Lindersson. It is generally considered to be the band's low point. ...
  9. COD is a proprietary file format developed by Research In Motion for use on BlackBerry brand smartphones. It is used to store compiled Java code and is roughly equivalent to a JAR file.
  10. The ISO 3166-1 three-letter (alpha-3) code for the Democratic Republic of the Congo
  11. A bag; A husk or integument; a pod; The scrotum (also in plural); To attempt to deceive or confuse
  12. payment for shipment of your vehicle is made upon delivery of your car or other vehicle. Typically, payment must be made via cash or certified funds (e.g. money order, cashier's check) unless other arrangements have been made.
  13. cash or check paid for goods at delivery, which may include the cost of shipping.
  14. (Gadiformes). The largest cod species, although it rarely reachs large sizes anymore due to heavy fishing, is the Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua). The maximum recorded size of this species is 2 m (6.7 ft) long and 96 kg (212 lb).
  15. Shipments where customer pays moving charges at the time of delivery. For COD shipments, payment is required in cash, banker’s draft or credit card (provided prior arrangements have been made).
  16. A popular lean, firm, white meat fish from the Pacific and the North Atlantic. "Scrod" is the name for young cod (and haddock) that weight less that 2.5 pounds. "Haddock," "Hake," and "Pollock" are close relatives of the cod.
  17. Chemical Oxygen Demand
  18. Chemical Demand for Oxygen – a parameter that estimates the quantity of organic substances present in water.
  19. A shipment for which the transportation provider is responsible for collecting the sale price of the goods shipped before delivery.
  20. Catastrophic Optical (Mirror) Damage, a type of “sudden device failure” due to degradation of the laser mirror facet during device operation. ...
  21. Carrier On-Board Delivery aircraft, used to transfer personnel and cargo to and from the carrier.
  22. Chemical oxygen demand. This measures the amount of oxidizable organic matter in the mills’ waste. It provides a measure of the spill prevention and control programmes as well as the quantity of organic waste discharged from the bleach plant
  23. Where small value goods are sent by Post Office Parcel or a courier and are released only after payment of the invoice plus COD charges.
  24. Fred tried to shoplift a fish, but was cod red-handed.
  25. (1) an abbreviation for cash on delivery; (2) the status of an account which requires the entire invoice amount to be paid to the shipping company at the time of delivery.