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cockscomb 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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cockscombs, plural;
  1. The crest or comb of a domestic cock

  2. A tropical plant with a crest or plume of tiny yellow, orange, or red flowers, widely cultivated as a garden annual or a houseplant

  3. An orchid related to the coralroots but with more colorful flowers, native to southern North America

  1. garden annual with featherlike spikes of red or yellow flowers
  2. coxcomb: a conceited dandy who is overly impressed by his own accomplishments
  3. a cap worn by court jesters; adorned with a strip of red
  4. comb: the fleshy red crest on the head of the domestic fowl and other gallinaceous birds
  5. The fleshy red crest of a rooster; A red cap once worn by court jesters; An annual garden plant, Celosia cristata, having showy red clusters of flowers; A conceited dandy; A serrated cleat once fitted to the yards of a square-rigged ship and used when the sail was being reefed
  6. (Cockscombing) Method of serving sometimes used on loops of crossbow bowstrings.