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cockney 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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cockneys, plural;
  1. Of or characteristic of cockneys or their dialect or accent
    • - cockney humor
  1. A native of East London, traditionally one born within hearing of Bow Bells

  2. The dialect or accent typical of such people

  1. a native of the east end of London
  2. characteristic of Cockneys or their dialect; "cockney vowels"
  3. relating to or resembling a cockney; "Cockney street urchins"
  4. The term Cockney has both geographical and linguistic associations. Geographically and culturally, it often refers to working class Londoners, particularly those in the East End. Linguistically, it refers to the form of English spoken by this group.
  5. Rhyming slang is a form of phrase construction in the English language, and is especially prevalent in dialectal British English from the East End of London which also gives it the name Cockney rhyming slang. ...
  6. resident of east London; more specifically, to be a true Cockney you had to be born within hearing distance of the bells of St. Mary Le Bow, Cheapside, in the City of London. Style of speech used by a Cockney. ...
  7. The traditional, working-class dialect of East London.  This term is also sometimes used to describe working-class London dialects in general.
  8. Traditionally anyone born within the sound of Bow bells (the bells of a church in East London), the term is used of anyone from the East End. Famed for their distinctive “working class” accent, rhyming slang and down-to-earth attitude.
  9. n. 1. Anyone born within hearing distance of the Bow bells in London (the East end). 2. Cockney rhyming slang has wide use throughout England. It is an active language that is continually growing (several dictionaries are available). ...
  10. someone from London (technically someone who can hear “the great bell of Bow,” a historic London church).
  11. drop leading H, e.g. get to know, Cockney says = EAR (HEAR without H)