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cockiness 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. bumptiousness: offensive boldness and assertiveness
  2. (cocky) overly self-confident or self-assertive; "a very cocky young man"
  3. (Cocky (album)) Cocky was Kid Rock's third album released with Atlantic Records, released in 2001. The album marked his transformation from rap metal to full fledged southern rock and country singer on later releases. ...
  4. (Cocky (mascot)) Cocky is the costumed mascot of the University of South Carolina athletics teams. He represents a cartoon version of a gamecock (a fighting rooster).
  5. The quality of being cocky
  6. (cockier) comparative form of cocky: more cocky
  7. (cocky) Abbreviation of cockatoo, especially when talking to such a bird, as in "hello cocky"; A farmer, particularly a small-time farmer; A sheep farmer, specifically (due to prevalence of sheep in New Zealand); a cow farmer being called a cow cocky; Overly self-confident and boastful
  8. (cockier) (adj.): To be cocky is to be conceited, overbearing, and aggressive.
  9. (Cocky) Either short for cockatoo (white and yellow native parrot) or an old term for a farmer with a fairly small farm.
  10. (Cocky) Farmer, comes in "Cow" and "Sheep" variants.
  11. (cocky) action of someone being stupid
  12. (cocky) farmer, most commonly cow-cocky
  13. Cocky, celebrating his USC 30th homecoming in 2010, is the four-time "national champion" and five-time "All-American" mascot of the Gamecocks. The "son" of Carolina's original mascot Big Spur, Cocky appears at every USC home football contest.^[20]