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cockerels 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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cockerels, plural;
  1. A young domestic cock

  1. (cockerel) a young domestic cock; not older than one year
  2. A rooster, or a cock, is a male chicken (Gallus gallus) with the female being called a hen. Immature male chickens of less than a year's age are called cockerels. The oldest term is "cock," from Old English coc. It is sometimes replaced by the term "cockerel" in the United Kingdom and Ireland. ...
  3. (Cockerel) a male bird not yet one year old.
  4. (Cockerel) a young male between 4-6 weeks, weighing up to 500 g (1 lb.) When roasted it provides tender juicy meat.
  5. (Cockerel) a young male from day old to the end of it’s first year of breeding. Often used to refer to young males up to 6 months of age.
  6. (The Cockerel) The secret home of Seregil and Alec- an inn owned by Seregil and run by several of his trusted friends- both characters are stated as prefering to stay at The Cockerel due to it's more relaxed air. ...
  7. male baby chicks; male young domestic fowl