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cockamamie 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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Ridiculous; implausible,
  1. Ridiculous; implausible
    • - a cockamamie theory

  1. ludicrous, foolish; "gave me a cockamamie reason for not going"; "wore a goofy hat"; "a silly idea"; "some wacky plan for selling more books"
  2. Cockamamie is the debut album from Boston, Massachusetts-based musician Jen Trynin. Released in 1995 to generally positive acclaim, the album failed to do well on the charts.
  3. foolish, silly; trifling
  4. an adjective meaning absurd, ridiculous or foolish, is mistaken for a Yiddish word so often that we had to put it in our Dictionary to explain that it isn’t.
  5. A design or decal prepared on special paper for transfer to another surface, temporary tattoos applied by wetting the paper backing and pressing against the skin.