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cobbled 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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(of an area or roadway) Paved with cobbles,
  1. (of an area or roadway) Paved with cobbles
    • - a cobbled courtyard

  1. (cobbling) shoemaking: the shoemaker's trade
  2. (Cobbling) Shoemaking is a traditional handicraft profession, which has now been largely superseded by industrial manufacture of footwear.
  3. Laid with cobbles; Crudely or roughly assembled; put together in an improvised way, (as in "cobbled together")
  4. The action of putting something together in a rough or clumsy manner. This is usually done as a temporary measure until more permanent repairs can be made.
  5. Stone that is distressed or hammered to create a smooth faced, rough edged material. Process mimics the old cobblestone pavements, but provides a smooth surface suitable for interior use. (See Honed)
  6. As in a "cobbled rotary cutter". A condition in which a rotary cutter is surrounded by oversize material that will not pass through the cutter openings. A cobbled cutter is ineffective at loosening new material and results in low production.