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cobbers 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. (cobber) Australian term for a pal
  2. (Cobber) Mate is a colloquialism used to refer to a friend and is commonly used in the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Ireland, but is now dated in the United States. ...
  3. (cobber) A pal, buddy, mate, friend
  4. (cobber) friend, mate (almost extinct).
  5. (Cobber) Friend. Used mainly by returned soldiers (A hero of  some boys was Cobber Kain, a New Zealand  flying ace who shot down Jerries.)
  6. (Cobber) Old term for mate, pal, friend, etc. Not used so much now.
  7. (cobber) a close companion or friend; chum or pal
  8. (cobber) a companion, a mate, a friend. The meaning is not the least bit obscure; however, the origin is. Possibly, cobber is one of those English dialect words that survived here in Australia after it had died out in England. ...
  9. A cobber is like a mate but no-one ever really calls anyone cobbber but it's perfectly okay and reasonable to say G'day cobber to someone who's a mate.
  10. Prehistoric Australian Bush Band see also "dinosaurs"
  11. Mates, pals, buddies