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coaxing 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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coaxing, present participle; coaxed, past tense; coaxed, past participle; coaxes, 3rd person singular present;
  1. Persuade (someone) gradually or by flattery to do something
    • - the trainees were coaxed into doing hard, boring work
    • - “Come on now,” I coaxed
  2. Use such persuasion to obtain something from
    • - we coaxed money out of my father
    • - coaxing more speed from the car
  3. Manipulate (something) carefully into a particular shape or position
    • - her lovely hair had been coaxed into ringlets

  1. blarney: flattery designed to gain favor
  2. pleasingly persuasive or intended to persuade; "a coaxing and obsequious voice"; "her manner is quiet and ingratiatory and a little too agreeable"
  3. (coaxingly) in a cajoling manner; "`Come here,' she said coaxingly"
  4. (coaxer) wheedler: someone who tries to persuade by blandishment and coaxing
  5. Serving to coax
  6. (Coaxer) In a no-limit game, a small raise of an rival’s raise, the thing of which is to coax a reraise from the original raiser, so that the maker of the coaxer can make his move in the form of a very big raise.
  7. Improvement of the fatigue strength of a specimen by the application of a gradually increasing stress amplitude, usually starting below the fatigue limit.