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coattails 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. (coattail) the loose back flap of a coat that hangs below the waist
  2. The coattail effect is the tendency for a popular political party leader to attract votes for other candidates of the same party in an election. ...
  3. (Coat-tail) Bet the same numbers as someone who is winning at the moment.
  4. (Coat-tail) To 'coat-tail' is to mimic the bets of another player who is on a winning streak
  5. (Coat-tail) this term is used to describe a campaign item (most commonly a pinback button) where a candidate is linked or attached to another candidate in order to strengthen the potential of winning the election.  This comes from the phrase ‘riding on his coat tails’. ...
  6. An allusion to the rear panels ( tails ) of a gentleman s frock coat. In American politics, it refers to the ability of a popular officeholder or candidate for office, on the strength of his or her own popularity, to increase the chances for victory of other candidates of the same political ...
  7. The power of a popular candidate to gather support for other candidates in his or her party. Winning candidates are said to have coattails when they drag candidates for lower office along with them to victory.