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coats 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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coats, plural;
  1. Provide with a layer or covering of something; apply a coat to
    • - his boots were coated with mud
    • - coat each part with a thin oil
  2. (of a substance) Form a covering to
    • - a film of dust coated the floor
  1. An outer garment worn outdoors, having sleeves and typically extending below the hips
    • - a winter coat
    • - his coat pocket
  2. A similar item worn indoors as a protective garment
    • - a laboratory coat
  3. A man's jacket or tunic, esp. as worn when hunting or by soldiers

  4. A man's or woman's tailored jacket

  5. An animal's covering of fur or hair

  6. A structure, esp. a membrane, enclosing or lining an organ

  7. A skin, rind, or husk

  8. A layer of a plant bulb

  9. An outer layer or covering of a specified kind
    • - the protein coat of the virus
  10. A covering of paint or similar material laid on a surface at one time
    • - a protective coat of varnish

  1. put a coat on; cover the surface of; furnish with a surface; "coat the cake with chocolate"
  2. (coat) an outer garment that has sleeves and covers the body from shoulder down; worn outdoors
  3. (coat) coating: a thin layer covering something; "a second coat of paint"
  4. (coat) cover or provide with a coat
  5. (coat) growth of hair or wool or fur covering the body of an animal
  6. form a coat over; "Dirt had coated her face"
  7. Coats is a surname, and may refer to: *A.W.(Bob) Coats, 1924-2007, English economist, historian of economic thought *Amelia R. ...
  8. The Coats are an a cappella singing group based along the west coast of the United States and originated in Seattle, Washington. It consists of bass singer Kerry Dahlen, baritone Doug Wisness, and Jamie Dieveney and Keith Michael Anderson as second and first tenors, respectively.
  9. (Coat (clothing)) A coat is a long garment worn by both men and womenOxford English Dictionary. (1989) 2nd Ed. coat, n. 1 "An outer garment worn by men...", for warmth or fashion. ...
  10. (Coat (conformation point)) Coat, or the nature and quality of a show mammal's pelage, is important to the animal fancy in the judging of the animal, particularly at conformation dog shows, cat shows and horse shows. ...
  11. (Coat (dog)) The coat of the domestic dog (canis lupus familiaris]) refers to the hair that covers its body. A dog's coat may be a double coat, made up of a soft undercoat and a coarser topcoat, or a single coat, which lacks an undercoat. ...
  12. (coat) An outer garment covering the upper torso and arms; A covering of material, such as paint; The fur or feathers of animal; canvas painted with thick tar and secured round a mast or bowsprit to prevent water running down the sides into the hold (now made of rubber or leather); To cover ...
  13. (COAT) A heraldic term that refers to each individual section or quartering on a shield or banner of arms (see also 'banner 1)', 'impaled', 'quartering' and 'shield 2)’).
  14. (Coat) To thoroughly cover a food with a liquid or dry mixture.
  15. (coat) to dust or roll food items in flour to cover the surface before the food is cooked. Also, to coat in flour, egg and breadcrumbs
  16. (Coat) The dog’s hair covering. Most breeds have two coats: an outer coat and an undercoat.
  17. (Coat) Paint, varnish or lacquer applied to a surface in a single application (one layer) to form a properly distributed film when dry.
  18. (coat) a film or layer as of paint or plaster applied in a single operation.
  19. (coat) A sleeved outer garment.
  20. (Coat) To evenly cover food with flour, crumbs, or a batter.
  21. (coat) To cover food completely with a glaze, aspic, mayonnaise, sauce, or icing.
  22. (Coat) cover with a thin film as with flour,batter,eggs or crumbs, sugar ,icing etc.
  23. (25) a coat of mail worn under outer clothing.
  24. (COAT) The Customer Ordering Assistant Tool (COAT) helps you place service requests for IntelliLight Broadband Transport, Custom Connect, and DS3 (Special) Service. ...
  25. (COAT) The process of evenly covering an ingredient with another