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coasted 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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coasts, 3rd person singular present; coasted, past tense; coasted, past participle; coasting, present participle;
  1. (of a person or vehicle) Move easily without using power
    • - the engines stopped, and the craft coasted along
  2. Act or make progress without making much effort
    • - he coasted to victory
  3. Slide down a snowy hill on a sled

  4. Sail along the coast, esp. in order to carry cargo
    • - a coasting schooner

  1. (Coasting (book)) Coasting is a travel book by Jonathan Raban. It is considered to be one of Raban's best books.
  2. (Coasting (IVF)) Ovarian hyperstimulation (also called controlled ovarian hyperstimulation) is where a regimen of fertility medications are used to stimulate the development of multiple follicles of the ovaries in one single cycle, resulting in superovulation (release of a larger-than-normal ...
  3. (COASTING) A horse which is going easily or travelling without pressure in a race, usually in front.
  4. (coasting) A basic method of navigating by sailing close to land or along coasts during a voyage.
  5. (coasting) The intermittent practice of riding without moving the pedals and letting gravity or your momentum carry you along.
  6. (coasting) stopping the gonadotropins and continuing the Lupron in an ART patient in danger of hyperstimulation so the estrogen level may be allowed to fall into the acceptable range.
  7. Coasting is the term used to describe the movement of the car in a forward direction while the clutch remains fully depressed. This can happen if after changing gear, the clutch is not fully released. ...