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coalesced 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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coalescing, present participle; coalesced, past tense; coalesces, 3rd person singular present; coalesced, past participle;
  1. Come together and form one mass or whole
    • - the puddles had coalesced into shallow streams
    • - the separate details coalesce to form a single body of scientific thought
  2. Combine (elements) in a mass or whole
    • - to help coalesce the community, they established an office

  1. amalgamate: joined together into a whole; "United Industries"; "the amalgamated colleges constituted a university"; "a consolidated school"
  2. (coalesce) blend: mix together different elements; "The colors blend well"
  3. (coalesce) fuse or cause to grow together
  4. (coalescing) coalescent: growing together, fusing; "coalescent tradititions"; "coalescent bones"
  5. (Coalesce (metalcore band)) Coalesce is a 4-piece metalcore band from Kansas City, Missouri.
  6. (coalesce) To join into a single mass or whole; To form from different pieces or elements; When two, or more, pieces of metal are bonded together (usually via welding) by liquefying the places where they are to be bonded, coalescing these liquids, and allowing the coalesced liquid to solidify ...
  7. (COALESCE(C_ORDERLINE.C_CURRENCY_ID, C_ORDER.C_CURRENCY_ID)) Pick the C_Currency_ID from the Order line or the Order header
  8. (Coalesce) (combines all subordinate units' power into Head—compare Genocide; usable only by Ruru)
  9. (Coalesce) A process of blending or fusing together. For instance, the particles in a floor finish come together to form a tight continuous film. This film becomes a smooth and polished surface. If the floor finish did not coalesce when it dried on the floor, the floor would be dull and powdery.
  10. (Coalesce) Combine two or more objects into one object.
  11. (Coalesce) To blend together to unite into a whole to fuse. As related to floor finishes, the formulation of the film as the water evaporates.
  12. (coalesce) To merge or grow together into a similar but larger structure. (5)
  13. (coalesce) confluer / fusionner
  14. (coalesce) to unite so as to form one mass
  15. (coalesce) v.t. (literal objects that are similar) to consolidate the identity of those objects, such that they become the same object. See Section 3.2.1 (Compiler Terminology).
  16. (coalescing) The flowing or melding together of emulsion particles when a latex paint dries.
  17. (Coalescing) The separation of mixtures of immiscible fluids, (oil and water) with different specific gravities, can be accomplished due to the fact that small droplets of each pass through the coalescing media to enlarge, thus become larger droplets, then separate out of solution.
  18. (COALESCING) The settling or drying of an emulsion paint as the water evaporates.
  19. (Coalescing) The evaporation of the chemicals that keep the acrylic resin in a liquid form. Once this process is complete, the acrylic forms a hard finish film.
  20. (Coalescing) merging, overlapping.