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coagulates 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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coagulated, past participle; coagulates, 3rd person singular present; coagulating, present participle; coagulated, past tense;
  1. (of a fluid, esp. blood) Change to a solid or semisolid state
    • - blood had coagulated around the edges of the wound
  2. Cause (a fluid) to change to a solid or semisolid state
    • - epinephrine coagulates the blood

  1. (coagulate) clot: change from a liquid to a thickened or solid state; "coagulated blood"
  2. (coagulated) Subject to coagulation
  3. (Coagulate) to gather together or form into a mass or group.
  4. (Coagulate) Firming or clumping of proteins after heating.
  5. (coagulate) This is when a substance thickens and congeals.