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coachman 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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coachmen, plural;
  1. A driver of a horse-drawn carriage

  1. a man who drives a coach (or carriage)
  2. A coachman was a man whose business it was to drive a coach, a horse-drawn vehicle designed for the conveyance of more than one passenger — and of mail — and covered for protection from the elements. He was also called a coachee, coachy or whip.
  3. The Coachman (Il Conduttiere del Carro), also known as The Little Man (L'Omino), is a fictional character who appears in Carlo Collodi's book The Adventures of Pinocchio (Le avventure di Pinocchio).
  4. drove a horse drawn carriage, e.g. a hackney carriage driver.