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cluttered 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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clutters, 3rd person singular present; cluttered, past participle; cluttering, present participle; cluttered, past tense;
  1. Crowd (something) untidily; fill with clutter
    • - his apartment was cluttered with paintings and antiques
    • - luggage cluttered up the hallway

  1. filled or scattered with a disorderly accumulation of objects or rubbish; "the storm left the drivewaylittered with sticks nd debris"; "his library was a cluttered room with piles of books on every chair"
  2. (clutter) a confused multitude of things
  3. (clutter) fill a space in a disorderly way
  4. (clutter) unwanted echoes that interfere with the observation of signals on a radar screen
  5. (Clutter (album)) Clutter is the debut studio album by Laki Mera. In December 2007, prior to its official release on CD in April 2008, the band made the album available for free download via their record label, Rhythm of Life's website. ...
  6. (Clutter (marketing)) Advertising or marketing clutter refers to the large volume of advertising messages that the average consumer is exposed to on a daily basis. This phenomenon results from a marketplace that is overcrowded with products leading to huge competition for customers.
  7. (Clutter (mathematics)) In combinatorics, a Sperner family (or Sperner system), named in honor of Emanuel Sperner, is a set system (F, E) in which no element is contained in another. Formally,
  8. (Clutter (radar)) Clutter is a term used for unwanted echoes in electronic systems, particularly in reference to radars. Such echoes are typically returned from ground, sea, rain, animals/insects, chaff and atmospheric turbulences, and can cause serious performance issues with radar systems.
  9. (Clutter (toolkit)) Clutter is an open source graphics library for creating hardware-accelerated user interfaces. It relies upon OpenGL (1.4+) or OpenGL ES (1.1 or 2. ...
  10. Cluttering (also called tachyphemia) is a speech disorder and a communication disorder characterized by speech that is difficult for listeners to understand due to rapid speaking rate, erratic rhythm, poor syntax or grammar, and words or groups of words unrelated to the sentence. ...
  11. (clutteredness) The state or condition of being cluttered
  12. (Clutter) is defined as all non-programming content, which includes network and local commercial time, public service announcements (PSAs), public service promotions (PSPs), promotions aired by broadcast and cable networks, program credits not run over continuing program action, and "other" ...
  13. (Clutter) All non-programming time on radio and TV; this includes time given to advertsing commercials, station or channel promotions, station or channel identifications and program credits. Excessively high clutter levels may result in audience tune-out. See Clutter Level; Audience Tune-Out.
  14. (Clutter) An excessive number of non-programme elements (such as commercials) appearing one after another.
  15. (Clutter) When an advertisement is surrounded by other ads, thereby forcing it to compete for the viewer's or listener's attention.
  16. (CLUTTER) echoes on a RADAR screen that do not come from the target; also known as GRASS. Also, a confused assemblage, anything untidy or disorganized; also called LITTER or SPAGHETTI; see POLICE CALL, GI PARTY, SQUARED AWAY, SHIPSHAPE.
  17. (CLUTTER) A fluency disorder where speech delivery is either abnormally fast, irregular, or both.
  18. (Clutter) A sort of mental noise, a messy chorus of thoughts that consists of rationalizations for staying in an unsatisfying job.
  19. (Clutter) An overabundance of visual and/or audio messages in a given medium.
  20. (Clutter) Crowding too many advertisements together to give adequate exposure to any one.
  21. (Clutter) Excessive amounts of advertising carried by media vehicles. Term refers to the total amount of advertising time and space and to its scheduling long strings of consecutive commercials for broadcasting.
  22. (Clutter) General term for pulse energy received by the radar set but which is reflected by objects other than the actual target. Clutter from precipitation, waves, and land are of primary concern to radar engineers.
  23. (Clutter) Radar returns not important to a radar’s function. If a radar is looking for walking people, competing returns from trees, fences, buildings, rainfall, etc. are called clutter.
  24. (Clutter) The obstruction of life force, chi or qi, typically through the accumulation of too many items within a space (can be physical, mental, emotional or spiritual), thus creating a stagnation of the energy within that space.
  25. (Clutter) The proliferation of indistinguishable names within a particular product category. The high-tech industry is sometimes considered cluttered with net names.