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clusters 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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clusters, plural;
  1. Be or come into a cluster or close group; congregate
    • - the children clustered around her skirts
  2. (of data points) Have similar numerical values
    • - students tended to have scores clustering around 70 percent
  1. A group of similar objects growing closely together
    • - clusters of creamy-white flowers
  2. A group of people or similar objects positioned or occurring close together
    • - a cluster of antique shops
  3. A group of stars or galaxies forming a relatively close association

  4. A group of consonants pronounced in immediate succession, as str in strong

  5. A natural subgroup of a population, used for statistical sampling or analysis

  6. A group of atoms of the same element, typically a metal, bonded closely together in a molecule

  1. (cluster) come together as in a cluster or flock; "The poets constellate in this town every summer"
  2. (cluster) bunch: gather or cause to gather into a cluster; "She bunched her fingers into a fist"
  3. (clustered) growing close together but not in dense mats
  4. agglomerate: clustered together but not coherent; "an agglomerated flower head"
  5. (clustering) bunch: a grouping of a number of similar things; "a bunch of trees"; "a cluster of admirers"
  6. A grape is a non-climacteric fruit that grows on the perennial and deciduous woody vines of the genus Vitis. Grapes can be eaten raw or used for making jam, juice, jelly, vinegar, wine, grape seed extracts, raisins, and grape seed oil. Grapes are also used in some kinds of confectionery.
  7. (Cluster (album)) Cluster is the eponymous first full-length album by German electronic music outfit Cluster. It is also the only album on which Conrad Plank is credited as a member. Cluster was recorded at Star-Studio in Hamburg, Germany in January, 1971. ...
  8. (Cluster (band)) Cluster is a German experimental musical group who influenced the development of contemporary popular electronic and ambient music. They have recorded albums in a wide variety of styles ranging from experimental music to progressive rock, all of which had an avant-garde edge. ...
  9. (Cluster (chemistry)) In chemistry, a cluster is an ensemble of bound atoms intermediate in size between a molecule and a bulk solid. Clusters exist of diverse stoichiometries and nuclearities. For example, carbon and boron atoms form fullerene and borane clusters, respectively. ...
  10. (Cluster (computing)) A computer cluster is a group of linked computers, working together closely thus in many respects forming a single computer. The components of a cluster are commonly, but not always, connected to each other through fast local area networks. ...
  11. (Cluster (epidemiology)) A cluster refers to a grouping of health-related events that are related temporally and in proximity. Typically, when clusters are recognized, they are reported to public health departments in the local area. ...
  12. (cluster) A group or bunch of several discrete items that are close to each other; A group of galaxies or stars that appear near each other; A chord of three or more notes; A group of consonants; A group of computers that work together; A significant subset within a population; Set of ...
  13. (Cluster) Group of announcements; stop set. (see Spot set)
  14. (Cluster) a large group of bees hanging together, one upon another.
  15. (Cluster) a single bunch of grapes.
  16. (cluster) A parenthesized subpattern used to group parts of a regular expression into a single atom.
  17. A cluster is a group of stars or galaxies. Our own galactic cluster, the Local Group, is about 5 million light-years across and contains about 30 galaxies (the largest of which are the Andromeda galaxy, Triangulum, and our Milky Way). ...
  18. (cluster) To place small groups of students together for instruction, especially GATE student.
  19. (Cluster) Loosely, any group of bees that forms a relatively compact aggregation.  A “winter cluster” is composed of all the bees in the colony huddled as closely together as necessary to maintain the required cluster temperature. ...
  20. (cluster) an invention technique; a way of mapping thoughts about a topic showing how the ideas are connected. The map suggests an organizational pattern for main ideas and supporting details
  21. (Cluster) A group of mushrooms rising together from the same spot, typically touching and often attached at the base.
  22. (Cluster) Aggregation of relatively uncommon events or diseases in space and/or time in amounts that are believed or perceived to be greater than could be expected by chance. Learn more about cancer clusters.
  23. (Cluster) Large group of flowers or fruits on a plant.
  24. (Cluster) A group of patients, rather than an individual, used as the basic unit for investigation. See also Cluster design, Cluster randomisation.
  25. (Cluster) Multiple stones grouped together in a jewelry setting. This type of setting is used for cluster rings, cluster pendants and cluster earrings.