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clues 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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clues, plural;
  1. A piece of evidence or information used in the detection of a crime or solving of a mystery
    • - police officers are still searching for clues
  2. A fact or idea that serves as a guide or aid in a task or problem
    • - archaeological evidence can give clues about the past
  3. A verbal formula giving an indication as to what is to be inserted in a particular space in a crossword or other puzzle

  1. (clue) hint: a slight indication
  2. (clue) roll into a ball
  3. (clue) evidence that helps to solve a problem
  4. Clues is Robert Palmer's sixth solo album, released in 1980. It has a rockier, new wave edge compared to his previous releases. The album peaked at number 59 on the Billboard Top Pop Albums chart and #31 in the UK in 1980. ...
  5. Clues are an indie pop band from Montreal, Canada formed by Alden Penner, Brendan Reed and Bethany Or. After Or left the band, local musicians Ben Borden, Lisa Gamble and Nick Scribner solidified the lineup.
  6. Clues is the self-titled debut album by Clues.
  7. (Clue (book series)) The Clue series is a series of 18 books based on the board game Clue.
  8. (Clue (game)) Cluedo (Clue in North America) is a deduction board game originally published by Waddingtons in Leeds, United Kingdom in 1949. It was devised by Anthony E. Pratt, a solicitor's clerk from Birmingham, England. ...
  9. (Clue (musical)) CLUE The Musical is a musical based on the board game Clue
  10. (Clue (SNES)) Clue (Cluedo outside the US) is a game released in 1992 for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System and Sega Genesis based on the popular board game of the same name.
  11. (clue) A strand of yarn etc. as used to guide one through a labyrinth; something which points the way, a guide; Information which may lead one to a certain point or conclusion; An object or a kind of indication which may be used as evidence; To provide with a clue (often used with "in" or "up") ...
  12. (CLUE) Abbreviation for Comprehensive Loss Underwiritng Exchange. A report that provides information from a claim history database. The report contains information on claims and the individual that filed the claims. The report also contains information about the vehicles.
  13. (CLUE) A Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange report which offers the claim history of an existing home.
  14. (Clue) (clew): The lower corner of a square sail, or aft corner of a fore-and-aft sail.
  15. (Clue) A question or hint that the solver uses to work out the Answer. It usually consists of the number of the Light, followed by the text of the clue, then the Enumeration. Clues commonly consist of just a Definition or are Cryptic.
  16. (Clue) Although this is question is on Electrolysis, you need to realise that it is calculation-based and you should be thinking of Mole Calculations at the same time.
  17. (Clue) Any Puzzle you need to solve to move toward the finish of a Puzzle Adventure.
  18. (Clue) In 1981, Alan Ayckbourn was approached by Polygram to write a film-script based on the popular board game Cluedo (Clue in the USA). Despite showing initial interest in creating a stage-play that could then be adapted into a screenplay, the plans fell through later that year. ...
  19. (Clue) Save yourself some time by jumping straight to the accusation. The murderer is always the bald guy with glasses from Guess Who?.
  20. (Clue) Something that appears to give information toward solving the crime.
  21. (Clue) Teacher says, I am thinking of a word that _____. Use beginning sounds, descriptions, definitions, synonyms or antonyms as clues to reinforce language art lessons.
  22. (clue) (noun): something that helps a person find something, understand something, or solve a mystery or puzzle
  23. (clue) A cell which is filled in by the puzzle designer, sometimes referred to as a ‘given’.
  24. (clue) a description provided to lead the solver to an answer in cryptic or humorous puzzles; a camouflaged definition
  25. (clue) n. navigational rally route instruction, as in ``I haven't got a clue what this means''