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clucks 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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clucks, plural;
  1. (of a hen) Make a short, guttural sound

  2. (of a person) Make such a sound with (one's tongue) to express concern or disapproval
    • - Michael clucked his tongue irritably
  3. Express fussy concern about
    • - they were cluck-clucking over the dishonor he brought to the office
  1. The characteristic short, guttural sound made by a hen

  2. A similar sound made by a person to express annoyance
    • - Loretta gave a cluck of impatience
  3. A stupid or foolish person
    • - a cluck too lazy to put up a clothesline

  1. (cluck) make a clucking sounds, characteristic of hens
  2. (clucking) cluck: the sound made by a hen (as in calling her chicks)
  3. (Cluck (Tom Swifty)) "My job is to lead the audience's applause," Tom clucked.
  4. (Cluck) This turkey sound consists of one or more short, staccato notes. Many times, plain clucks include two or three single-note clucks. Generally used by one bird to get another bird's attention, this call also reassures an approaching gobbler that a hen is waiting for him.
  5. (Cluck) aka Good luck. Commonly used to greet someone before a test / exam; esp if no talking is allowed.
  6. (Clucked) Afraid, intimidated by the wave
  7. (CLUCKING) coming off heroin, withdrawals.
  8. (Clucking) Withdrawing from a drug.