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clucking 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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clucked, past participle; clucked, past tense; clucks, 3rd person singular present; clucking, present participle;
  1. (of a hen) Make a short, guttural sound

  2. (of a person) Make such a sound with (one's tongue) to express concern or disapproval
    • - Michael clucked his tongue irritably
  3. Express fussy concern about
    • - they were cluck-clucking over the dishonor he brought to the office

  1. cluck: the sound made by a hen (as in calling her chicks)
  2. (Clucked) Afraid, intimidated by the wave
  3. coming off heroin, withdrawals.
  4. Withdrawing from a drug.