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clubhouse 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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clubhouses, plural;
  1. A building or part of a building used by a sports team, esp. a baseball team, as a locker room

  2. A building or room used by a club

  3. A building in a sporting area, esp. a golf course, used for socializing and recreation

  1. a building that is occupied by a social club; "the clubhouse needed a new roof"
  2. Clubhouse is a disco and house music studio group from Italy. They climbed to #75 on the U.S. Billboard Hot 100 in 1983 with a medley of Steely Dan's "Do It Again" and Michael Jackson's "Billie Jean". In 1991, they hit #1 on the U.S. Hot Dance Music/Club Play chart with "Deep In My Heart".
  3. Clubhouse is an American drama television series starring Jeremy Sumpter, Dean Cain, Christopher Lloyd, Mare Winningham and Kirsten Storms. The theme song is "Our Lives" by The Calling.
  4. (Clubhouses (South Park)) "Clubhouses" is the 25th episode of Comedy Central's animated series South Park. It originally aired on September 23, 1998.
  5. Any building used by a club for meetings or social activities; A locker room and possibly associated rooms used by an athletic team; A building at a golf course that houses various activities associated with golf
  6. The building at the course where you find the pro-shops, restrooms and a snack bar or restaurant
  7. Place where the rules are prominently posted.
  8. A clubhouse is usually a large indoor area located on a golf course that maintains services such as restaurants, golf pro shops, bathrooms, and conference rooms.
  9. Fountain House, the first “Clubhouse,” opened in New York City in 1948. Fountain House was established as an intentional community for men and women who had histories of mental health issues. ...
  10. a sort of community center for people with mental disabilities. Ideally, people can reside somewhere else and go to the clubhouse during the day for practice in basic skills that might get them a job - yard work, secretarial skills, cooking and cleaning, etc. ...
  11. the main building or structure of a golf facility which can, but does not necessarily, include the pro shop, food service, locker rooms, lounge, offices, and more
  12. this is where play begins and ends. The clubhouse is also your source for information about local rules, the conditions of the course, upcoming events and other essential information for the avid golfer. ...
  13. designed by Bernard Maybeck in 1903, completed in 1904 on a bluff overlooking the Russian River;^[13] a multi-purpose dining, drinking and entertainment building; the site of the Manhattan Project planning meeting held in 1942.
  14. The administration center for the golf or country club.
  15. the clubhouse is where the team dresses into their game baseball uniforms to play the game. The Clubhouse is normally located beneath the stands or the stadium seating area.
  16. a local community center that offers adults with mental illness hope and opportunities to achieve their full potential. Members and staff work together in achieving educational/vocational goals, affordable housing, etc.
  17. A golf club's administration, recreational and facilities building.
  18. Main building at a golf club.
  19. Police station (Lake, 24)
  20. Where play begins (1st Hole) and ends (18th Hole). It is also a gathering place for players and usually contains a restaurant and bar (19th Hole). It is also a source for information concerning local rules and events. Golf equipment and clothing may also be found here.