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clubby 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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clubbier, comparative; clubbiest, superlative;
  1. Friendly and sociable with fellow members of a group or organization but not with outsiders

  1. clubbish: effusively sociable; "a clubbish set"; "we got rather clubby"
  2. clannish: befitting or characteristic of those who incline to social exclusiveness and who rebuff the advances of people considered inferior
  3. Clubby was a Beanie Baby that was available in 1998 exclusively by mail order to those who joined the Beanie Babies Official Club by purchasing a kit. It was followed up in later years by other bears also named "Clubby" followed by a roman numeral. ...
  4. The following is a list and description of Beanie Babies made by Ty, Inc. This list is heavily incomplete.