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clouded 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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clouds, 3rd person singular present; clouding, present participle; clouded, past participle; clouded, past tense;
  1. (of the sky) Become overcast with clouds
    • - the blue skies clouded over abruptly
  2. Darken (the sky) with clouds
    • - the western sky was still clouded
  3. Make or become less clear or transparent
    • - blood pumped out, clouding the water
    • - her eyes clouded with tears
  4. Make or become darkened or overshadowed, in particular

  5. (of someone's face or eyes) Show worry, sorrow, or anger
    • - his expression clouded over
  6. (of such an emotion) Show in (someone's face)
    • - suspicion clouded her face
  7. Make (a matter or mental process) unclear or uncertain; confuse
    • - don't allow your personal feelings to cloud your judgment
  8. Spoil or mar (something)
    • - the general election was clouded by violence

  1. made troubled or apprehensive or distressed in appearance; "his face was clouded with unhappiness"
  2. cloud-covered: filled or abounding with clouds
  3. mentally disordered; "a mind clouded by sorrow"
  4. blurred: unclear in form or expression; "the blurred aims of the group"; "sometimes one understood clearly and sometimes the meaning was clouded"- H.G.Wells
  5. (clouding) the process whereby water particles become visible in the sky
  6. Filled with clouds; Unknown, surrounded in mystery
  7. (Clouding) Usually caused by overwetting. Residue from previous cleanings which is not removed and left too wet will wick up the carpet fiber and cause a cloudy appearence on the surface.
  8. (Clouding) The formation or presence of a haze in a liquid or in a film.