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closeout 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
  1. a sale intended to dispose of all remaining stock
  2. A close out / closing out is a surfing term to describe wave formations that do not allow a tubular ride or smooth ridable transitional and optimum trajectory of hydrodynamic wave action from drop in to either left or right. ...
  3. This is a wave that breaks along its entire length at the same time making it unsurfable. Closeouts can either be caused by a strong offshore wind or sea floor topography. It's also called "shutting down."
  4. Process by which the awarding agency determines that all applicable administrative actions and all required work of the award have been completed by the recipient and the awarding agency.
  5. You must inform the BOE to close out your permit when any one of the following occurs: you are no longer actively engaged in business; you sell your business or stock of goods to someone else; you change the type of ownership for your business (for example, from a sole proprietorship to a ...
  6. The completion of all work on a sponsored project, followed by the accounting of all costs and the filing of all required final reports; financial, technical, patents and inventions, and any other reports required by the sponsor.
  7. New units discontinued by manufacturer. Carry full warranty and full manufacturer's specs on lamp life (generally about 2000 hours).
  8. Final “walk-through” of a new construction home where the contractor gives the new homeowners a tutorial of the home’s maintenance and makes a list of any issues/defects that need to be fixed before move in.
  9. Time by which freight needs to be received in order to be loaded on a specific flight or truck.
  10. When the whole wave breaks from top to bottom at the same time making it unrideable other than straight in. Walled
  11. a wave that breaks all at once
  12. Merchandise that is being sold below original wholesale cost. Can be Overstock, Shelf Pull or Discontinued merchandise.