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clonk 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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clonked, past participle; clonks, 3rd person singular present; clonking, present participle; clonked, past tense;
  1. Move with or make such a sound
    • - the horses clonked and snorted softly
  2. Hit
    • - I'll clonk you on the head

  1. Clonk is a computer game developed by RedWolf Design. The game features a mix of the action, real-time strategy and platform game genres. The games of the series are traditionally released as Shareware; older versions have become available as Freeware. ...
  2. Clonk is a fishing tool which has been used for catfish fishing for ages mainly in Europe. It represents a stick composed of three parts - handle, fork and heel. ...