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clones 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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clones, plural;
  1. Propagate (an organism or cell) as a clone
    • - of the hundreds of new plants cloned, the best ones are selected
  2. Make an identical copy of

  3. Replicate (a fragment of DNA placed in an organism) so that there is enough to analyze or use in protein production

  4. Illegally copy the security codes from (a mobile phone) to one or more others as a way of obtaining free calls

  1. A group of organisms or cells produced asexually from one ancestor or stock, to which they are genetically identical

  2. An individual organism or cell so produced

  3. A person or thing regarded as identical to another
    • - successful women don't want to be male clones
  4. A microcomputer designed to simulate exactly the operation of another, typically more expensive, model
    • - an IBM PC clone

  1. (clone) make multiple identical copies of; "people can clone a sheep nowadays"
  2. (clone) ringer: a person who is almost identical to another
  3. (clone) a group of genetically identical cells or organisms derived from a single cell or individual by some kind of asexual reproduction
  4. (clone) knockoff: an unauthorized copy or imitation
  5. (cloning) a general term for the research activity that creates a copy of some biological entity (a gene or organism or cell)
  6. Clones is a small town in western County Monaghan, in the 'border area' of the Republic of Ireland. The area is part of the Border Region, earmarked for economic development by the Irish Government due to its currently below average economic situation. ...
  7. Clones is an upcoming puzzle/real-time strategy computer game to be released for the Windows platform. was created by independent game developer as their first game. ...
  8. Jack Dann and Gardner Dozois have jointly edited a series of themed science fiction and fantasy anthologies, published by Ace Books.
  9. "Clones" was the first single released from the Meltdown album by the band Ash on . It was exclusive to the UK Downloads. The track came with a free artwork and a video when downloading.
  10. "Clones (We're All)" is a 1980 single by rock singer Alice Cooper taken from his 1980 album Flush the Fashion. It reached #40 in the US charts, his first top 40 single in two years. The song is about forced conformity. ...
  11. (Clone (algebra)) In universal algebra, a clone is a set C of operations on a set A such that *C contains all the projections , defined by , *C is closed under (finitary multiple) composition (or "superposition"): if f, g1, … ...
  12. (clone) genetically identical replica
  13. (Clone) A sub-variety of a grape variety; a vine, or set of genetically identical vines, that exhibits characteristics specific to it as compared to other vines of the same variety.
  14. (clone) An exact copy of a DNA segment; produced by recombinant DNA technology.
  15. (Clone) To generate identical copies of a molecule, cell, or organism.
  16. (Clone) A group of vines originating from a single, individual plant propagated asexually from a single source. Clones are selected for the unique qualities of the grapes and wines they yield, such as flavor, productivity and adaptability to growing conditions.
  17. (Clone) Plants derived vegetatively from one parent plant. They are genetically identical to each other and to the parent. This may occur naturally or artificially.
  18. (CLONE) A plant produced through asexual reproduction including, but not limited to, cuttings, layering and tissue culture.
  19. (clone) To create a new object that has the same value as an existing object. Copying a reference to an object creates an alias by doesn't clone the object.
  20. (Clone) A personal computer that closely imitates the operation and architecture of the IBM Personal Computer.
  21. (Clone) All the plants reproduced, vegetatively, from a single parent plant. In theory, all the plants from the same clone have the same genotype (genetic inheritance).
  22. (Clone) To propagate a plant asexually usually by grafting, rooting cuttings, tissue culture, or apomictic seed. Except for an extremely low level of mutation, all plants from a clone are genetically identical. (This is the usage most common in agronomy, horticulture and forestry. ...
  23. (clone) the dependents of an asexually reproducing individual.
  24. (clone) A family of cells descended from one "parent" cell; all are genetically identical.
  25. (clone) A genetically identical copy of an individual. [8]