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clone 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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clones, plural;
  1. Propagate (an organism or cell) as a clone
    • - of the hundreds of new plants cloned, the best ones are selected
  2. Make an identical copy of

  3. Replicate (a fragment of DNA placed in an organism) so that there is enough to analyze or use in protein production

  4. Illegally copy the security codes from (a mobile phone) to one or more others as a way of obtaining free calls

  1. A group of organisms or cells produced asexually from one ancestor or stock, to which they are genetically identical

  2. An individual organism or cell so produced

  3. A person or thing regarded as identical to another
    • - successful women don't want to be male clones
  4. A microcomputer designed to simulate exactly the operation of another, typically more expensive, model
    • - an IBM PC clone

  1. make multiple identical copies of; "people can clone a sheep nowadays"
  2. ringer: a person who is almost identical to another
  3. a group of genetically identical cells or organisms derived from a single cell or individual by some kind of asexual reproduction
  4. knockoff: an unauthorized copy or imitation
  5. (cloning) a general term for the research activity that creates a copy of some biological entity (a gene or organism or cell)
  6. In universal algebra, a clone is a set C of operations on a set A such that *C contains all the projections , defined by , *C is closed under (finitary multiple) composition (or "superposition"): if f, g1, … ...
  7. The process of immunological B-cell maturation involves transformation from an undifferentiated B cell to one that secretes antibodies with particular specificity . ...
  8. Vegetative reproduction (vegetative propagation, vegetative multiplication, vegetative cloning) is a form of asexual reproduction in plants. It is a process by which new individuals arise without production of seeds or spores. ...
  9. A clone is a group of identical cells that share a common ancestry, meaning are derived from the same mother cell.
  10. In computing, a clone is a hardware or software system that is designed to mimic another system. Compatibility with the original system is usually the explicit purpose of cloning hardware or low-level software such as operating systems (e.g. ...
  11. A database clone is a complete and separate copy of a database system that includes the business data, the DBMS software and any other application tiers that make up the environment. ...
  12. (CLONES) Individuals that are genetically identical are called clones.  This is the result of reproduction without flowers and seeds.  Aspen is a great example of a tree species that occurs in clones. ...
  13. (Clones) A clone is usually a user connected multiple times to an IRC network under the same host. Generally speaking, they are not allowed.
  14. (Clones) A set of candidates such that no ballots rank a non-member of the set in between two members of the set or equal to any member of the set.
  15. (Clones) Building blocks which are not LEGO^® brand, such as Mega Bloks.
  16. (Clones) Nickname for the faithful listeners of The Jim Rome Show.  Rome coined the phrase because so many of his callers started using his phrases and began talking like him.
  17. (Clones) organisms or cells which, because they have a single common parent, have identical genetic make-up
  18. (Cloning) A feature in image editing software that allows one part of the image to be duplicated over another. This allows blemishes or artifacts to be seamlessly removed.
  19. (cloning) retouching function on a color imaging system used to remove image defects by replacing pixels in the defective area with duplicate pixels from adjacent non-defective areas.
  20. (cloning) creation of an exact genetic copy of an organism
  21. (cloning) The scientific process of producing an exact duplicate of a gene, cell or organism
  22. (Cloning) The process of making identical genetic copies. In the laboratory, cloning is used to create pure stocks of many types of organisms from bacteria to plants. ...
  23. (Cloning) The production of two or more genetically identical individuals by nucleus substitution or by mechanical division of a cleaving zygote to yield identical cells each of which can form a new individual. Also known as Cell Nuclear Replacement (CNR).
  24. (CLONING) Changing the IRD number, box keys, bootstrap etc. in a receiver's TSOP to match another.
  25. (CLONING) producing organisms all of which contain copies of the same gene: the desired gene is removed from the donor, inserted into a vector (usually a plasmid), the vector is used to transform a host culture, then those hosts which have taken up the vector are selectively cultured.