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clockwise 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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In a curve corresponding in direction to the movement of the hands of a clock,
  1. In a curve corresponding in direction to the movement of the hands of a clock
    • - turn the knob clockwise
    • - a clockwise direction

  1. in the same direction as the rotating hands of a clock
  2. A clockwise (typically abbreviated as CW) motion is one that proceeds 'like the clock's hands': from the top to the right, then down and then to the left, and back to the top. ...
  3. Clockwise is a 1986 British comedy film starring John Cleese. It was directed by Christopher Morahan, written by Michael Frayn and produced by Michael Codron. The film was co-produced by Moment Films and Thorn EMI Screen Entertainment. The music in the film was composed by George Fenton.
  4. Clockwise is a Swedish music project, formed by Benny Söderberg in 1995
  5. The direction your checkers move around the board when they are set up to bear off to the left. When your checkers move clockwise, your opponent's checkers move counterclockwise.
  6. in orientation, the direction in which the points are named when, if traveling along the line, the interior of the polygon is on the right (got all that?); see counterclockwise
  7. A smaller fraction of skaters rotate clockwise, meaning they perform forward spins on the right foot, back spins on the left foot and land rotational jumps on the left foot. These skaters are often called “lefties” though they are not necessarily left-handed.
  8. Dance the same direction the hands of an analog clock turn.  Sometimes TO THE LEFT is used for CLOCKWISE, particularly when couples CROSSOVER or LEAD AROUND. ...
  9. Band formed in 1996. John Levén and Ian Haugland were members of the band and played on two albums, "Nostalgia" (1996) and "Naïve" (1998). A third album was planned, but never recorded.
  10. A clock face is shown and the user enters the digital time. Three difficulty levels.
  11. direction of rotation.