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cliques, plural;
  1. A small group of people, with shared interests or other features in common, who spend time together and do not readily allow others to join them

  1. an exclusive circle of people with a common purpose
  2. A clique (also United States) is an inclusive group of people who share interests, views, purposes, patterns of behavior, or ethnicity. A clique as a reference group can be either normative or comparative. ...
  3. In the mathematical area of graph theory, a clique in an undirected graph is a subset of its vertices such that every two vertices in the subset are connected by an edge. ...
  4. The Kliq (sometimes spelled as Clique) was a backstage group in the World Wrestling Federation (WWF) during the mid-1990s, which some claim held substantial booking power, were shown favortism by owner Vince McMahon and were accused of refusing to be fair to anyone outside of the group.
  5. The Clique was a group of Victorian artists founded by Richard Dadd. Other members were Augustus Egg, Alfred Elmore, William Powell Frith, Henry Nelson O'Neil, John Phillip and Edward Matthew Ward.
  6. The Clique was a band of musicians formed in England.
  7. The Clique were formed in the late 1980s by Paul Newman, Jon-Paul Harper, Phillip Otto and Gilles B. Mery. This line-up played many high profile gigs centred around the revived UK Mod scene. ...
  8. The Clique is a direct-to-DVD film based on the popular teen novel series by author Lisi Harrison. The film is a production of Warner Premiere with Tyra Banks as executive producer.Entertainment Tonight, Filming began in February 2008 in Rhode Island and ended in March 2008. ...
  9. The Clique Series is an American young adult novel series written by Lisi Harrison and published by Little, Brown and Company, a subsidiary of the Hachette Group. The series revolves around five girls. ...
  10. The Clique are a late 1960s U.S. sunshine pop band from Houston, Texas.
  11. A small, exclusive group of individuals; cabal; A subgraph isomorphic to a complete graph; A group of related web sites that link to each other, like a webring but with exclusive membership determined by the clique owner
  12. (cliques) Groups, usually small, that form around specific interests and then exclude those who do not share those interests.
  13. A peer group made up of one’s best friends, usually including no more than five or six members.
  14. A clique is a set of nodes in which each node is connected to all the other nodes of the set, and there isn’t any other node in the net which is connected to all the nodes in the set.  Some people call this a “maximal clique”. ...
  15. A clique is a coalition whose members associate regularly with each other on the basis of affection and common interest and possess a marked sense of common identity. All members of a clique interact with one another, though there may be core members, primary members, and secondary members.
  16. (clik) n.,  Also:  Click.  A group of friends.  “We’re going to let her hang out with our click this weekend.”  [Etym., 60’s youth culture]
  17. a network where every node is connected to every other node.
  18. n. Any group of pupils who considered themselves select. Itself an unselect notion.
  19. A group of insiders who greet outsiders with their backsides; a closed circle of asses.