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clippings 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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clippings, plural;
  1. A small piece trimmed from something
    • - hedge clippings and grass cuttings
  2. An article cut from a newspaper or magazine

  1. (clipped) cut or trimmed by clipping; "a handsome man with a clipped moustache"; "clipped hedges"; "close-clipped lawns"; "a clipped poodle"
  2. (clipped) (of speech) having quick short sounds; "a clipped upper-class accent"
  3. Clipped is a video featuring five tracks by the Australian hard rock band AC/DC. First released in 1991, it contained three tracks from The Razors Edge and two from Blow Up Your Video.
  4. (clipped) Having an end cut off; trimmed or cut back; Of speech, with each word pronounced separately and distinctly
  5. (Clipped) Term for an irregularly cut planchet. A clip can be straight or curved, depending upon where it was cut.
  6. (Clipped (also "trimmed")) ^ The reduction of the original margins of a print, often too close to the printed area, especially in early intaglio prints, where the image may have been so trimmed that the plate marks have been removed. Such transgressions are "forgiven" with incunabula. ...
  7. (clipped) a coin that has a portion missing out of the edge because the planchet was cut improperly or someone removed some of the metal.
  8. Leaf blades and, in some cases, stems and sheaths, cut off by mowing. Decompose readily due to their relatively high water content and generally simple chemical compounds.
  9. Leaf blades or stems cut off by mowing.
  10. the part of grass blades that have been cut off and either fall to the ground or are bagged.
  11. Also known as clips or cuttings. Saved copies of published articles, traditionally cut or clipped from the newspaper or magazine itself. Often kept in a clippings library or cuttings library.
  12. The metal remaining after the edges of coins have been clipped.
  13. The cut portions of the grass being mowed or bushes and trees being trimmed.
  14. pictures or news stories saved to expand upon later