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clipping 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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clippings, plural;
  1. A small piece trimmed from something
    • - hedge clippings and grass cuttings
  2. An article cut from a newspaper or magazine

  1. an excerpt cut from a newspaper or magazine; "he searched through piles of letters and clippings"
  2. trim: cutting down to the desired size or shape
  3. clip: the act of clipping or snipping
  4. (clip) cartridge holder: a metal frame or container holding cartridges; can be inserted into an automatic gun
  5. (clip) time: an instance or single occasion for some event; "this time he succeeded"; "he called four times"; "he could do ten at a clip"
  6. (clip) trot: run at a moderately swift pace
  7. In American football and Canadian football, a penalty is a sanction called against a team for a violation of the rules, called a foul. Officials initially signal penalties by tossing a bright yellow colored "penalty flag" onto the field toward or at the spot of a foul. ...
  8. Clipping is a form of waveform distortion that occurs when an amplifier is overdriven and attempts to deliver an output voltage or current beyond its maximum capability. Driving an amplifier into clipping may cause it to output power in excess of its published ratings.
  9. In rendering, clipping refers to an optimization where the computer only draws things that might be visible to the viewer.
  10. In gardening, clipping is equivalent to pruning, the practice of removing diseases, over mature or otherwise unwanted portions from a plant. Clipping typically involves much less removal than pruning, and is used more for herbaceous (all-green) plants than for woody ones.
  11. Clipping is a penalty in the sport of ice hockey. It is generally recognized as hitting an opposing player at or below the other player's knees. ...
  12. Clipping is a surgical procedure performed to treat an aneurysm. In this operation a craniotomy is performed, and afterwards an or titanium Sugita clip is affixed around the aneurysm's neck.
  13. A piece of something removed by clipping; An article clipped from a newspaper; A short form (of a word)
  14. (clip) Something which clips or grasps; a device for attaching one object to another; An unspecified but normally understood as rapid speed or pace; An embrace; A frame containing a number of bullets which is intended to be inserted into a firearm to allow for rapid reloading; To grip tightly; ...
  15. (clipped) Having an end cut off; trimmed or cut back; Of speech, with each word pronounced separately and distinctly
  16. (Clippings) Leaf blades or stems cut off by mowing.
  17. (Clippings) Leaf blades and, in some cases, stems and sheaths, cut off by mowing. Decompose readily due to their relatively high water content and generally simple chemical compounds.
  18. (Clippings) The cut portions of the grass being mowed or bushes and trees being trimmed.
  19. (Clippings) The metal remaining after the edges of coins have been clipped.
  20. (Clippings) pictures or news stories saved to expand upon later
  21. (Clippings) the part of grass blades that have been cut off and either fall to the ground or are bagged.
  22. (Clip) A plate or angle used to fasten two or more members together.
  23. (Clip) A short piece of audio of someone talking, such as the answer to an interview question.
  24. (Clip) A small connecting angle used for fastening various members of a structure.
  25. (Clip) Fitting for clamping two parts of wire rope to each other.