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clipboard 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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clipboards, plural;
  1. A small board with a spring clip at the top, used for holding papers and providing support for writing

  2. A temporary storage area where text or other data cut or copied from a file is kept until it is pasted into another file

  1. a small writing board with a clip at the top for holding papers
  2. A clipboard is a thin board that is typically slightly larger than a pad of standard sheets of paper, with a large (typically metal) clip at the top. It is used to rigidly support the pad of paper with one hand, while writing on it with the other. ...
  3. The clipboard is a software facility that can be used for short-term data storage and/or data transfer between documents or applications, via copy and paste operations. ...
  4. A flat piece of rigid material, such as card or plastic, with a clip at one end under which papers can be held; A buffer in memory where the user can store data temporarily while transferring it from one place within an application to another or between applications
  5. A portion of memory where the Mac temporarily stores information. Called a Copy Buffer in many PC applications because it is used to hold information which is to be moved, as in word processing where text is "cut" and then "pasted".
  6. A special file or memory area (buffer) where data is stored temporarily before being copied to another location. Many word processors, for example, use a clipboard for cutting and pasting.
  7. A section of a computer’s memory where you can temporarily copy chunks of text, data, graphics, or pictures. Once in the clipboard, the item can be pasted into another part of a document, or transferred to any other application. The clipboard normally holds one object at a time.
  8. An area used to temporarily store cut or copied information. The Clipboard can store text, graphics, objects, and other data. The Clipboard contents are erased when new information is placed on the Clipboard or when the computer is shut down.
  9. A holding area that temporarily stores information copied or cut from a document. Both the Macintosh and Windows operating systems support this feature.
  10. An unseen, temporary storage space used when you copy or cut information (such as text, graphics or files).
  11. Copying an image takes that information and writes it into a portion of RAM, called the clipboard, that serves as temporary storage. Pasting the image transfers it back into a document. ...
  12. An area of temporary storage space on a Windows computer, used for storing data which has been copied or cut from a document or file, before it is copied into another document or file.
  13. the place where data that you have cut or copied is stored until you are ready to paste it.
  14. Advance allows you to store and share multiple lists of entities that are created, viewed, saved and manipulated using the Clipboard. From the Clipboard you can use hypertext links to access entity profiles, prospect details, etc. ...
  15. A temporary data (text and graphics) storage facility used when transferring data to a new location.
  16. Whenever you do a copy operation (for example by choosing Edit → Copy, or pressing ctrl+c), the material you copy goes to the clipboard, from which you can paste it where you like.
  17. A memory area used by Windows to store a copy of the last item cut or copied into it.
  18. A hard plastic folder with a metal clip to hold paper for making notes.
  19. A good thing to hold when you have nothing to do but are enjoying just strolling around the office. It lends a sense of management ability, technical knowledge, and goes well with a white lab coat.
  20. A short-term storage area in a computer's memory for holding data to be copied elsewhere.
  21. A holding device that contains the most recently copied or cut text or image such that contents of the clipboard can be pasted one or more times into other parts of the document at hand or other documents. ...
  22. The area of storage for objects, data, or their references after a user carries out a Cut or Copy command.
  23. An area of memory which stores text, graphics and other data when it is cut or copied so that it can be pasted somewhere else later on.
  24. A clipboard is a buffer provided by the window system for transferring text between applications. On the X Window system, the clipboard is provided in addition to the primary selection (q.v.); on MS-Windows and Mac, the clipboard is used instead of the primary selection. See Clipboard.
  25. Reserved memory for holding data that has been copied from one text or graphics for insertion into another.