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clinicians 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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clinicians, plural;
  1. A doctor having direct contact with and responsibility for patients, rather than one involved with theoretical or laboratory studies

  1. (clinical) relating to a clinic or conducted in or as if in a clinic and depending on direct observation of patients; "clinical observation"; "clinical case study"
  2. (clinical) scientifically detached; unemotional; "he spoke in the clipped clinical monotones typical of police testimony"
  3. (clinician) a practitioner (of medicine or psychology) who does clinical work instead of laboratory experiments
  4. A clinic (or an outpatient clinic) is a small private or public health facility that is devoted to the care of outpatients, often in a community, in contrast to larger hospitals, which also treat inpatients. ...
  5. (clinical) of or pertaining to a medical clinic or facility; dealing with how to practically manage patients, contrasting with pre-health sciences; done in a cool, emotionless fashion
  6. (clinician) A healthcare provider working in a clinic or hospital; A medical resident working as an intern in a clinic or hospital during clinical rotations
  7. (clinical) Pertaining to or founded on observation and treatment of participants, as distinguished from theoretical or basic science.
  8. (Clinical) refers to physical signs and symptoms directly observable in the human body.
  9. (clinical) That which can be observed in or involves patients. Research treatments tested on patients, as opposed to laboratory or animal testing.
  10. (Clinical) Having to do with the examination and treatment of patients.
  11. (CLINICAL) Adverse events reported by 2% or more of patients treated with fenofibrate during the double-blind, placebo-controlled trials, regardless of causality, are listed in the table below. Adverse events led to discontinuation of treatment in 5. ...
  12. (Clinical) (Medicine) Branches of medicine involving the study or care of actual patients.
  13. (Clinical) Concerning or based on observance and care of subjects, as differentiated from abstract or speculative science.
  14. (Clinical) Dealing with or about people based on medical findings as opposed to theoretical or laboratory-based findings.
  15. (Clinical) Health data that has been observed by physicians using instruments, devices or laboratories.
  16. (Clinical) Refers to all shift rotations in a hospital setting. Data entry tracks events over the entire shift, rather than per incident, as field runs are recorded.
  17. (Clinical) Relating to disease, including disease and symptom management and involves clinical practitioners and interventions.
  18. (Clinical) Symptoms are present, supportive therapy or treatment is necessary.
  19. (Clinical) This time is spent in a teaching hospital and typically lasts two or three years. After this is completed the student doctor is awarded a Bachelor of Medicine (BM or MB) and Bachelor of Surgery (BCh or BS). ...
  20. (Clinical) used in medical practice, as opposed to just in research. Clinical trials are trials of the actual use of a therapy in people, rather than in a test tube.
  21. (clinical) Sound that is pristinely clean but wholly uninvolving.
  22. (clinical) With regard to the course of a disease this denominates the phase following the symptomless incubation time in which the disease has broken out und can be diagnosed from the appearing symptoms. ...
  23. (clinical) in health care:  involving treatment; medical practice. (e.g. “Her symptoms would improve if she resided in a clinical setting, such as a mental health facility.”); a state of being healthcare-related. (e.g. ...
  24. (clin·i·cal) 1: of or related to or conducted in or as if within a clinic 2: analytical or detached-clin·i·cal·ly
  25. A clinical laboratory applies only to health technology programs. A clinical is a laboratory section which meets at a health-related agency facility in lieu of on-campus laboratory facilities. Clinical laboratory sessions provide a realistic environment for student learning. ...