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climatology 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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The scientific study of climate,
  1. The scientific study of climate

  1. meteorology of climates and their phenomena
  2. (climatologist) someone who is expert in climatology
  3. Climatology (from Greek κλίμα, klima, "region, zone"; and -λογία, '''') is the study of climate, scientifically defined as weather conditions averaged over a period of time, and is a branch of the atmospheric sciences. ...
  4. (Climatological) Meteorology is the interdisciplinary scientific study of the atmosphere that focuses on weather processes and short term forecasting (in contrast with climatology). ...
  5. (Climatologist) This list of climate scientists contains famous or otherwise notable persons who have contributed to the study of climate science. The list is not necessarily complete or up to date. The list includes scientists from several specialities or disciplines.
  6. (Climatologist) Cli·ma·to·lo·gist ["klI-m&-'tä-l&-jist]. A person who studies climate.
  7. Our climatology holdings contain data that represent averages over several years. For example, a climatology derived from monthly rainfall data for the period 1951 through 1980, might include 12 months of data, each the monthly average over that 30 year time period. ...
  8. The study of the long-term state of the Earth's surface, atmosphere, and oceans. See ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE, meteorology.
  9. The study of climate.