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clients 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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clients, plural;
  1. A person or organization using the services of a lawyer or other professional person or company
    • - insurance tailor-made to a client's specific requirements
  2. A person receiving social or medical services
    • - a client referred for counseling
  3. A nation that is dependent on another, more powerful nation

  4. (in a network) A desktop computer or workstation that is capable of obtaining information and applications from a server

  5. A program that is capable of obtaining a service provided by another program

  6. (in ancient Rome) A plebeian under the protection of a patrician

  7. A dependent; a hanger-on

  1. (client) a person who seeks the advice of a lawyer
  2. (client) customer: someone who pays for goods or services
  3. (client) node: (computer science) any computer that is hooked up to a computer network
  4. Clients is the second studio album by American band The Red Chord. It was released on May 17, 2005 via Metal Blade Records.
  5. Client (styled CLIEИT on their official materials) are a neo-futurist British electronic musical group from London, England. They are most popular in Germany where they have had limited commercial success. ...
  6. (Client (album)) Client is the self-titled debut album by the English electronic group Client. It was released on 18 August 2003 by Toast Hawaii.
  7. (Client (ancient Rome)) In ancient Roman society, a client (Latin, cliens) was a plebeian who was sponsored by a patron benefactor (patronus, a predecessor to the Italian padrino, godfather). ...
  8. (Client (computing)) A client is an application or system that accesses a remote service on another computer system, known as a server, by way of a network. ...
  9. (The Client) The Client (1994) is a legal thriller written by American author John Grisham, set mostly in Memphis, Tennessee and New Orleans, Louisiana. It is a mix with various legal elements and suspense.
  10. (client) A customer, a buyer or receiver of goods or services; The role of a computer application or system that requests and/or consumes the services provided by another having the role of server; Person who receives help or advice from a professional person (ex. ...
  11. (Client) A business that sells its accounts receivable to the commercial factoring company.  (The Factors’ customer)
  12. (Client) An entity with which a Business Broker has a fiduciary relationship.
  13. (Client) In commercial, organizational, and technical terms, a self-contained unit in an R/3 system with separate master records and its own set of tables.
  14. (Client) The party for whom the auctioneer sells property; it is often synonymous with "seller".
  15. (Client) The person being represented by an agent.  The agent owes the client the duties of utmost care, integrity, confidentiality and loyalty.
  16. (client) The application entity that initiates a connection to a server.
  17. (client) The party that retains the inspector and pays for the inspection.
  18. (client) The user of a network service; also used to describe a computer that relies upon another for some or all of its resources.
  19. (client) the person who employs an agent to perform a service for a fee.
  20. (Client) The persons or group that are the direct beneficiary of a project or service. They are the people for whom the project is being undertaken. (Indirect beneficiaries are probably stakeholders. ...
  21. In the client/server model of communications, the client is a process that remotely accesses resources of a compute server, such as compute power and large memory capacity.
  22. (Client) One who employs another's services, as in an attorney, real estate agent, insurance agent, etc.
  23. (Client) Computer hardware or software used by an end user on a computer network or the Internet to query a remote server. A web browser is an example of client software.
  24. (Client) The party that receives the factor’s funding is the party that assigns its receivables to the factor for the factor’s security.
  25. (Client) is the one who doesn't know why he wants a baby.