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cleverer 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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cleverest, superlative; cleverer, comparative;
  1. Quick to understand, learn, and devise or apply ideas; intelligent
    • - a clever and studious young woman
    • - how clever of him to think of this!
  2. Skilled at doing or achieving something; talented
    • - he was clever at getting what he wanted
    • - she is clever with her hands
  3. (of a thing, action, or idea) Showing intelligence or skill; ingenious
    • - a simple but clever idea for helping people learn computing
  4. Superficially ingenious or witty
    • - a story too clever and tidy to be real
  5. Sensible; well-advised
    • - it wasn't too clever, leaving Dolly alone

  1. comparative form of clever: more clever