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clefts 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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clefts, plural;
  1. A fissure or split, esp. one in rock or the ground

  2. A vertical indentation in the middle of a person's forehead or chin

  3. A deep division between two parts of the body

  1. (cleft) a split or indentation in something (as the palate or chin)
  2. (cleft) having one or more incisions reaching nearly to the midrib
  3. (cleft) crack: a long narrow opening
  4. Cleft lip (cheiloschisis) and cleft palate (palatoschisis), which can also occur together as cleft lip and palate, are variations of a type of clefting congenital deformity caused by abnormal facial development during gestation. A cleft is a fissure or opening—a gap. ...
  5. (Clefting) A cleft sentence is a complex sentence (i.e. having a main clause and a dependent clause) which has a meaning that could be expressed by a simple sentence. Clefts typically put a particular constituent into focus. This focusing is often accompanied by a special intonation.
  6. (The Cleft) The Cleft (2007) is a novel by Doris Lessing.
  7. (cleft) an opening, fissure, or V-shaped indentation made by or as if by splitting
  8. (cleft) divided, split, a crack, crevice, or split
  9. (Cleft) A horizontal crack in the hoof wall. Clefts are usually caused by damage to the coronary band, or the rupture of an abscess at the coronary band.a.k.a. Crosscrack.
  10. (CLEFT) [Traditional Graphics][ODS Graphics] determines the color used to fill the area under a histogram to the left of the lower specification limit. You can specify the CLEFT option without an argument to fill this area with an appropriate color from the ODS style. ...
  11. (Cleft) A separation of the upper lip and/or the roof of the mouth.
  12. (Cleft) Divided to or about the middle into divisions, as a palmately or pinnately cleft leaf. See dissected.
  13. (Cleft) Occurs by cutting of a stem which has developed two top-ends. See also Double pith. The smallest stem part must a diameter of minimum 1/3 of the diameter of the main stem for the log to be regarded as being clefted. If the smaller part is smaller it is regarded as a knot (branch).
  14. (Cleft) Uneven surface found on slate (due to cleavage lines in the stone) that permits the slate to be split into thin tiles. (See Surfaces)
  15. (Cleft) an abnormal opening or fissure in an anatomical structure
  16. (Cleft) deeply split; used in leaf descriptions for Fissidens to describe the that part of leaf next to the stem split into two parts (vaginant lamina); these split leaf parts enclose the stem and the base of the next leaf growing on  the same side of stem,
  17. (cleft) split, partly divided, separated, rift, fracture, rent
  18. are burly rock monsters that appear in the Paper Mario series. Their name comes from the word "cleft", which can alternately refer to a crack in a rock or an indentation of the chin, both of which are characteristics of the Clefts.
  19. result from incomplete development of the lip and/or palate in the early weeks of pregnancy.