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clefs, plural;
  1. Any of several symbols placed at the left-hand end of a staff, indicating the pitch of the notes written on it

  1. a musical notation written on a staff indicating the pitch of the notes following it
  2. (The Clefs) The Clefs was an Australian pop-rock group that formed in Adelaide in the early 1960s. Under the leadership of keyboardist Tweed Harris the band performed as The Clefs from 1963 to 1967. ...
  3. A symbol found on a musical staff that indicates the pitches indicated by the lines on the staff
  4. (Clefs) Symbols derived from ornate letter names used to pinpoint a given line of the stave as representing a certain note.
  5. A symbol placed at the beginning of the staff to indicate the pitch of the notes on the staff. The most commonly used clefs in choral music are the G, or treble, clef and the F or bass clef . ...
  6. The symbol (bass or treble) which identifies the staff lines and its corresponding notes.
  7. A clef is a sign placed on the staves (plural of staff), which sets a pitch height as a reference point for the rest of the staff.
  8. The symbol that tell what notes are written on what lines and spaces on the staff. There are several different clefs, the most common are, treble clef (g-clef), bass clef (f-clef), alto and tenor clef (c-clefs).
  9. sign that fixes the tone represented by each line and space on the staff
  10. It's that sign at the beginning of a staff- -the one that determines pitch.
  11. Group term used to describe any of the musical clefs, ie: bass clef or treble clef
  12. The clef sign at the beginning of each stave identifies which pitch "class" that stave belongs to. The lowest instruments are written in the bass clef, intermediate instruments and voices often use one of three "C" clef classes while higher-pitched instruments, in addition to the right-hand part ...
  13. The clef demonstrates and limits where in the range of possible notes that can be played by a given instrument falls. The two most common staves are the Treble Clef (higher ranges) and Bass Clef (lower ranges).
  14. what you try never to fall off of.