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cleansers 中文解釋 wordnet sense Collocation Usage Collins Definition
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cleansers, plural;
  1. A substance that cleanses, in particular

  2. A powder or liquid for scouring sinks, toilets, and bathtubs
    • - harsh cleansers will scratch the basin
  3. A cosmetic product for cleansing the skin

  1. (cleanser) cleansing agent: a preparation used in cleaning something
  2. A cleanser is a facial care product that is used to remove make-up, dead skin cells, oil, dirt and other types of pollutants from the skin of the face. This helps to unclog pores and prevent skin conditions such as acne.
  3. (Cleanser) A powdered or liquid cleaning product containing abrasives, surfactants and frequently a bleach. Do not allow this type of product to contact the floor finish. Cleansers will attack and deteriorate the finish.
  4. (CLEANSER) Cleansers show men there’s healthier and less-nasty option to curly-hair-laden bar soaps. Washed on and off daily, these gentle rinses rid mugs or dirt and oil and improve skin texture and appearance.
  5. (Cleanser) Available in sensitive, foamy, granular, creamy, anti-aging, and oil-zapping varieties, these formulas remove excess dirt, debris, and product residue from the skin. ...
  6. (Cleanser) Form of soaps used to cleanse the face, hair, hand, and body.
  7. (Cleanser) These are followers of The Sar of Phinolin.
  8. (Cleanser) an agent that removes oily residue, makeup, dirt, and sometimes dead skin cells
  9. (Cleanser) product used to remove daily oil and debris
  10. (cleanser) dry cleaner; used more often in the names of dry cleaning shops than in actual speech
  11. A cleanser is a detergent, powder, or other chemical agent that removes dirt, oils, and/or stains. In our context, they are typically delivered as a skin lotion or cream used to clean the face.
  12. As the largest organ of elimination, proper cleansing of the skin is vital not only for its immediate skin care benefits, but its overall role in the maintenance of whole-body health. All Dermalogica cleansers are soap-free and acid-balanced to protect the skin's natural moisture barrier. ...
  13. 'cleaners (mostly on signage)'